You've asked, and we listened. You can now receive your donations instantly!
We've switched our payment processor to Stripe. Starting now, money raised through Root Funding will be deposited to your Stripe account immediately! Stripe is a market leader in credit card processing, used by many of the largest brands you know. Transfers are then sent from your Stripe account to a designated bank account on a two day rolling basis (your first transfer from Stripe can take up to seven days).
What this means is... in order to continue receiving donations, you must activate your cause's Stripe account. (Don't worry, it is easy!)
Sounds great? What do you need to do?
Connecting your cause with Stripe only takes a few minutes. Just gather your Root Funding login, EIN # (if you have one), address, bank account number, routing number and get started here. (Note: You will be sending your account information directly to Stripe, Root Funding will not have access to your bank account information.)
Bonus: Once you connect your Stripe account, you can receive an email notification each time someone donates to a campaign for your cause. Just activate the email notifications that you would like to receive under the email tab of your Stripe account settings.
Simply, go to your Stripe account settings…
Then select the email tab and check off the notifications that you would like to receive (e.g., Email me for: Successful payments)
That’s all there is to it. For any questions or if you need some help, please be in touch.
FYI - The Stripe Connect form looks like this for US bank accounts (may vary depending on Country that is chosen)