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Jaffa Institute
The Jaffa Institute was established in 1982 as a private, non-profit, multi-service social agency to assist the city of Jaffa's severely disadvantaged children and their families. Our mission is to provide educational, recreational and social enrichment programs to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty found in the communities of Jaffa, south Tel Aviv and Bat Yam, and support each child's self-esteem so that he/she can evolve into a healthy, educated and productive adult. Through over 30 different initiatives our programs reach 4,000 citizens annually. In 2001, the Institute was awarded the President’s Prize for Most Outstanding Voluntary Organization.
Jaffa Institute
The Jaffa Institute was established in 1982 as a private, non-profit, multi-service social agency to assist the city of Jaffa's severely disadvantaged children and their families. Our mission is to provide educational, recreational and social enrichment programs to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty found in the communities of Jaffa, south Tel Aviv and Bat Yam, and support each child's self-esteem so that he/she can evolve into a healthy, educated and productive adult. Through over 30 different initiatives our programs reach 4,000 citizens annually. In 2001, the Institute was awarded the President’s Prize for Most Outstanding Voluntary Organization.