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ATZUM Justice Works
ATZUM was established in 2002 to remedy injustices in Israel society, and to encourage individuals to become social activists and agents of change. The organization was founded on the belief that Israel should serve as an example for the rest of the world by confronting and rectifying social injustices. ATZUM resolves to build an Israel protective of its democratic checks and balances and of its most vulnerable minorities and denizens– a State that “wrestled with God and human and prevailed, Medinat Yisrael. Since ATZUM’s founding, its work has allowed countless individuals and families to live with greater dignity, economic security, and personal well-being.

ATZUM Justice Works
ATZUM was established in 2002 to remedy injustices in Israel society, and to encourage individuals to become social activists and agents of change. The organization was founded on the belief that Israel should serve as an example for the rest of the world by confronting and rectifying social injustices. ATZUM resolves to build an Israel protective of its democratic checks and balances and of its most vulnerable minorities and denizens– a State that “wrestled with God and human and prevailed, Medinat Yisrael. Since ATZUM’s founding, its work has allowed countless individuals and families to live with greater dignity, economic security, and personal well-being.