Africa 2030

Total raised:

USD $15,414

Monthly pledges:

USD $123

Africa 2030 is an international organization based on a partnership between people and organizations from Africa and around the world. We believe that Africa’s future depends on its own people and resources. Through international partnerships, these local strengths are reinforced to create long-term sustainable solutions.

Africa 2030 believes in a holistic approach to development and community empowerment. Health, poverty, conflict, society and nature conservation are all interconnected issues that cannot be addressed separately. The community is the major component in every issue and is the basis for development.

Africa 2030 works with local communities to develop these issues through different projects and activities. Our current focus is in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the world’s poorest and most challenging country in almost every aspect. Congo, however, also holds the human and natural potential to become the world’s most prosperous country. The projects we operate in Congo will be replicated to other countries in the near future.