Bayis Lepleitos Girls Town Jerusalem

Total raised:

USD $3,938

Monthly pledges:

USD $0

Bayis Lepleitos was established to care for the remnants of the Holocaust as is implied in the name (Hebrew), which, literally translated means Home for Refugees. Our senior director, he and his wife survivors themselves, were driven to help the lost and orphaned girls who arrived on these shores and they did a magnificent job and set up a lasting legacy. 

Girls Town Jerusalem was established later after the Six-Day War and cares for a very different type of girl. Girls who have been abused, girls from homes where the parents are either mentally or physically incapacitated and of course, orphans who have no family whatsoever to care for them. There are children from a host of different countries, Iran, Morocco, England, the United States to name a few, with the latest entries from what was formerly the Soviet Union, so, in their own way, they are survivors too and of course many Israeli girls. 

Here at Bayis Lepleitos - Girls Town Jerusalem, we help them rebuild their shattered lives, choose a vocation most suited to their individual requirements and so, give them the opportunity to become independent and well capable of leading productive lives. The academic syllabus has been designed to give them the maximum of scholastic achievement, including the entire field of computer science much emphasized here in Israel so that they are well able to compete with their peers in the world outside. Of course, the arts are not neglected and the works of arts produced by the children are unbelievably beautiful and moving, portraying their innermost thoughts.

We have a very advanced dressmaking course, which teaches needlecraft, dress designing and sewing. The older girls can make their own exclusively designed clothes, while the little ones can knit and do some incredible needlepoint, which has to be seen to be believed. Above all, however, they are in a loving and caring environment, where all their needs both emotionally and physically are catered for.

At present we care for just over 600 girls from kindergarten through, elementary, academic and vocational training, hi-tech program, and post high school projects for the girls.

The task of our devoted staff is a monumental one, but without outside assistance we would be unable to give our girls the tender loving care they so rightfully deserve. Of course, when they become engaged, we as surrogate parents marry them off and provide them with all the basic necessities needed to take this important step into matrimony. The Home is open for every child in need and just lately we have taken in many more girls from the saddest and grimmest of family backgrounds and it is because of the fact that our student body has grown so vastly that we have a desperate need for expansion.

Bayis Lepleitos is a vital organization, performing the holy work of caring for motherless children, providing them with the structured framework and the loving environment of a home. Illustrious, prominent Rabbanim world-wide have provided resounding endorsements for the support of Bayis Lepleitos.

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